滕阳 Ellie
年龄:20  职业:学生

被雅思口语折磨了很久,都是卡在口语小分5.5,试过各种方法途径,后来学姐推荐的线话英语,她是60次课之后5.5提到6.5,之后对线话英语有了些信心,上了48次之后有了明显长进,就是至少看到考官没有那么害怕了,信心足了些,语法错误肯定少了很多。。后面又连着上了一个48次的,孤注一掷了,亚历山大地去考试,part2是个新题目,我完全没有准备过,但是流利度和逻辑感是有的,只说了1分钟,就停了,但是考了6.5终于分手了。。外教Dane 很负责,feedback写的很细致,能够清楚明白地告诉我我症结在哪,蛮有收获的,上课练习呢,也是有针对性的,就觉得能有个人在百无聊赖的时候带带我,帮助我提高,是件物超所值的事情。此外助教miya也是很认真负责,耐心热情回答我的问题,thanks


Ellie possesses adequate reading skills for her level and she has slowly developed her reading techniques during the course. She can gain some sense of a text's main ideas through skim-reading. Ellie scans with reasonable accuracy to find important information and she analyses texts with a degree of insight. Listening exercises at this level are manageable for Ellie and her practice has resulted in adequate progress. She is able to identify the overall point of a listening text and she usually notes pieces of specific information accurately. Ellie is comfortable with a fair range of listening material. Ellie is a strong oral communicator and she is progressing at a steady rate. She speaks with a moderate level of accuracy while keeping up a relatively fluent pace. Her pronunciation is mostly understandable but sometimes lacks clarity. Overall, Ellie has been a reasonably active member of the class and she worked moderately hard during lessons. She completed her homework to a satisfactory standard and she made helpful contributions during class activities. Level- High Intermediate WHAT TO DO TO IMPROVE: She still has to work on using more complex sentences and varying sentence structure. She also needs some improvement on accent, and pronunciation.


滕阳真纯善良、热情大方,总呈现给人以昂扬的精神面貌。用真诚礼貌与外教老师积极互动。学习态度端正,能扎实的完成外教老师布置的 各项英语学习任务。希望以后能更积极的参与外教课堂,与外教老师多交流,使自己的各方面的能力得到更大的提高。

备案/许可证号: 京ICP备13007069号 教育部职成司函[2010]177号