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线话英语|2015-03-30 18:04:30





Articles in English are a, an and the. I realize thatsuch do not exist in Chinese. In fact, there are many languages that do not usearticles. In English, we use them. To learn English well and to becomeproficient, you must learn them and use them. Obviously, you will use only 2 ofthem the vast majority of the time. 'An' is used before words (nouns) thatbegin with a vowel sound. Also, sometimes I hear people insert articles whereone is not needed.

英语中的冠词即a, an以及the。我发现中文里并没有冠词,实际上,很多语言都不使用冠词,但在英语中,我们使用它们。要学好并精通英语,你必须学会使用它们,大多时候,你只需要用到其中2个即可。"An"通常置于以元音开头的名词之前,但我常常听到会有人在不合时宜时候使用冠词。

2、性别 Genders

The Chinese language uses 'ta' (first tone) torepresent the third person singular pronoun. In writing, however, it isspecific in identifying male and female. English simply does the same except itdoes it also in spoken language. I hear a lot speakers who have spoken Englishfor many years, confuse the genders. It just takes practice to train your brainto automatically come out with the correct gender that you want to refer to.


3. Also, in the third person singular, most verbsrequire an 's' at the end of the word.

此外,当句子中出现第三人称单数代词时,大多动词后需要在其后加上 "s"

You don't have to learn this rule for any other verbexcept when referring to 'he/she/it' or if you are using a proper name. Again,focus on this and practice it even if you only do it silently in your mind.




\4. Another mistake that is common is when a pluralnoun is referenced.


In Chinese, one will express several dogs as 'manydogs.' This lets the reader know that the speaker is referring to more than onedog. In English, we add an 's' to the end of most words to make them plural.'Dogs'.


5. Verb tenses are also confused by many ChineseEnglish speakers.


There is no shortcut to learning what they are inEnglish. We don't say, 'yesterday I walk to school.' We say, 'Yesterday, Iwalked to school.' And with irregular verbs, we wouldn't say, 'Yesterday I runto school.' We say, 'Yesterday, I ran to school.' Irregular verbs are verbsthat don't fall within the 'adding ed rule.' There are lists of them on theInternet.

在英语学习中,学好它们并无捷径可走。我们说"Yesterday, I walked to school"而不是"yesterday I walk to school."。涉及到不规则动词,它并不适用于一般动词变换规则,它的过去式变换表可以在网上找到。比如,我们说"Yesterday, I ran to school"而不是"Yesterday I run to school"



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