• 05-082015
    .Fwy956 { display:none; }   I'm going to give you an end of the unit test this Friday. Please be prepared for it .   Would you please tell us how to review our lessons,英语培训?   Review all the lessons in ...
  • 05-082015
    .Xbu318 { display:none; } ,英语学习网站   I've got a final exam this Friday.   What's on the test? 英语之家   I think I will have to cram. 英语之家   I'm going to be up all-night studying for my exam.   T...
  • 05-082015
    .Zim120 { display:none; }   Why are you so blue?   I think I can't pass the exam.   Have you known the scores? CopyRight yingyuzhijia,英语书面语.com   Not yet. But I know that for sure. I didn't finish the p...
  • 05-082015
    .Mnj473 { display:none; }   Hello, is this the apartment management?   Can I help you? 英语之家   Yes, this is a tenant of apartment ten. I guess my kitchen sink is clogging up again. And so is the bathtub. ...
  • 05-082015
    .Wnc900 { display:none; }   I've got to go.   Come on, just stay for another hour. 英语之家   I'd love to, but I'll have many visitors in an hour. It's nice chatting with you for such a long time. I had such a...
  • 05-082015
    .Gdc604 { display:none; }   Oh, Hank. This is Lucy, again. We were disconnected. I didn't hang up on you. 英语之家   Haha. I know you didn't, Lucy.   I guess something's wrong with the switch board or the phone...
  • 05-082015
    .Frj318 { display:none; }   1.星期六晚上你有空吗? Are you free Saturday evening?   2.我想请几个朋友到我家聚一聚,你能来吗? I'm going to have a few friends over my house,英语学习网站,would you like to come?   3.出去吃晚饭好吗...
  • 05-082015
    .Pai960 { display:none; }   Excuse me, I’ve been waiting here for 15 minutes.Do you know how often does No.3 run? CopyRight yingyuzhijia,英语书面语.com   It runs every 20 minutes. You must have missed it. When you came...
  • 05-082015
    .Mzu614 { display:none; }   Don't you have air conditioning in your apartment? It's sweltering here!   Well, there's air conditioning. Did you see that window air conditioner there? The problem is that the window unit ...
  • 05-082015
    .Cgz267 { display:none; }   W: Why do you wear a mask?   M: The air is too dirty, especially in the streets.   W: I have the same feeling.   M: Everyday when I wash my face,英语学习网站, I find the water...
  • 05-082015
    .Ufg599 { display:none; }   Is there anything worth watching on another chanel? 英语之家   I think there's a Western on. 英语之家   Do you mind if we watch it? I really like to see it. 英语之家   Well, I re...
  • 05-082015
    .Wvw254 { display:none; }   What newspaper are you reading,英语书面语?   New York Times. I read it everyday. 英语之家   Why don't you read the local newspaper?   It's too bias. I just don't agree with their one side of reporting.   New York Times is better? 英语之家   Yes, they have a good reputation for fairness.
  • 05-082015
    .Pjx917 { display:none; }   Hi,Annie. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow night.   Well,英语培训,George,I guess I am. Why do you ask?   I've just got a pair of presale "star wars" movie tickets from a fr...
  • 05-082015
    .Vvp653 { display:none; } ,英语培训   Let's call it a day.   I'm too tired to work any longer today.   You need to relax.   I know,but now I even don't have the strength to think about what kind of entertai...
  • 05-082015
    .Fvb671 { display:none; }   Hi,Mark. I know you are an expert in skin care.   Oh,I wouldn't say that! But I do know something. So how can I help you?   I think I have oily skin. And there are always small...
  • 05-082015
    .Viq850 { display:none; }   1.我想今晚到你家去 I'd like to drop by your place tonight.   2.请进 Come in,please. 英语之家   3.你能来我真高兴 I'm so glad that you could come.   4.不要拘束 Make yourself at home. ...
  • 05-082015
    .Apz242 { display:none; }   Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here.   A hair cut and a shave, please.   How would you like your hair cut, sir? 英语之家   Short on both sides. Not so much off the back.  ...
  • 05-082015
    .Dvh171 { display:none; }   Repair service, how may I help you?   My phone has got lot of static.   How old is your phone?   About five years old. 英语之家   The wire in your phone might have gotten ...
  • 05-082015
    .Dbl472 { display:none; } ,英语培训   Please get me a taxi.   Yes,sir.What's your room number, please? And where do you want to go?   My room number is 3028, and I will go to the sam's club. 英语之家   Yes,si...
  • 05-082015
    .Wuv622 { display:none; }   Turn on the TV.   Give me the remote.   Change the Channel. 英语之家   Turn it down.   What's on TV? 英语之家   What are you watching? 英语之家   When's it on?   This talk show really cracks me up,英语培训. 英语之家   There's too much violence on TV nowadays.