• 01-142011
    春节正赶上情人节,还真是百年一遇。单身的朋友们高兴了,不用再孤零零过情人节;有了主的就犯愁了,以前被骂重色轻友,现在还可能被骂娶了媳妇忘了娘。怎么办呢?那就一起过年呗。 Local young people are facing a rare dilemma of the heart next month when Chines...
  • 01-122011
    在谈起英国和美国的时候, 长期住在英国的爱尔兰作家王尔德(Oscar Wilde)曾经说过:We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, the language (现如今,我们实际上与美国的一切都是相同的,除了语言之外 )。你也许知道许多...
  • 01-122011
    在中国早期甚至现代,相亲一直都是一种非常盛行的联姻方式。尽管如今的人们再怎么不愿意,结果还是会有不少人挨不住父母的催促,不得不到处去相亲。相亲分几种类型呢?英文又该怎么说呢? 在翻译论坛上,网友们对“相亲”一词的英语表达各抒已见。小结一下,有以下这些说法: 1. bl...
  • 01-122011
    西方大众的婚礼观念中一直有这样一句话:“something old , something new , something borrowed , something blue . ”翻译过来的含义就是:“一些旧,一些新,一些借,一些蓝色”蓝色是基督教的传统,寓意着纯洁、真挚的爱。而旧物,甚至借来的物品作为婚礼用品...
  • 01-122011
    1.Soap is Bad for Your Skin.   香皂对皮肤有害。   Traditionally, soap was a mix of animal fats and fruit or vegetable oils. This combination has a higb PH and is drying to skin, particularly to aging skin. These days, howe...
  • 01-102011
    1.人们在欢乐中会情不自禁地发出欢呼:   How glad i am!多么高兴啊!   I did it!我做到了!   I made it!我做到了!   I'm so happy!我是多高兴啊!   How nice!多好啊! Thank God!感谢上帝! 2.当人们极度快乐时,会出现欢呼的场...
  • 01-072011
    1.《蓝莓之夜》 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then on...
  • 01-072011
    1、付帐(cash):右手拇指、的食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势。 2、“动脑筋”(use your brain)“机敏一点”(being clever):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。 3、“傻瓜”(fool):用拇指按住鼻尖摇动其四指,或十指分开。也...
  • 01-042011
    英国最不吉利的十大人名 Damien, Myra and Carrie are Britain's most feared and mistrusted names due to superstitious and dark associations, according to a survey on Monday. The poll of 2,000 Britons -- commissioned by Warner Home V...
  • 01-042011
    用英语表达一天心情 Bent out of shape.如果你因为某事而bent out of shape,会疼吗?呣,不是身体疼!这种表达方式仅代表一个人非常的生气或被别人惹怒了:"She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work." On cloud nine.当某人正on cloud...
  • 01-042011
    1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!   2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!   3. What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?   4. You shouldn't have done that! 你真不应该那样做!   5. You're a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!   6. Don'...
  • 01-042011
    The Definition of "Price" ("价格"的定义) Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the ...
  • 12-312010
    郁闷时的“购物疗法”retail therapy
    聚会结束时常常能听到这样的对话:“改天一起吃饭啊?”“好啊,一定!”然后,双方就没了下文。似乎这样的约定只是聚会结束时的一种告别方式,并不真正算数的。所以,我们把这样的约定叫做party promise。 Party promises are those "plans" you make at the end of so...
  • 12-312010
    聚会上的约定 party promise
    聚会结束时常常能听到这样的对话:“改天一起吃饭啊?”“好啊,一定!”然后,双方就没了下文。似乎这样的约定只是聚会结束时的一种告别方式,并不真正算数的。所以,我们把这样的约定叫做party promise。 Party promises are those "plans" you make at the end of so...
  • 12-312010
    无处不在的电子通讯设备似乎已经让我们具备了“不出门就闻天下事”的能力。不但如此,人与人之间交流方式也不再需要面对面了,短信、邮件、聊天工具等等都可以让我们随时找到对方。于是就有了现在越来越盛行的sofalizing(沙发社交)。 Rather than going out to meet people ...
  • 12-312010
    去邮局寄信、到商场购物、到旅行社订出行计划… 这样的事情在网络走入人们的生活以后正在慢慢淡出历史舞台。能在网上解决的事情就不用在现实生活中费精力、费时间了。可是,你想过吗?其实这个世界上还是有那么一些人并不怎么了解网络的。 For many of us below a certain a...
  • 12-312010
    在商场打发时间的mall rat
    闲暇时光要如何度过呢?有人邀约不断,忙于应付;有人却嫌时间太多,不知怎么打发。还好我们居住的地方周边一般都会有商场,在家里无趣的人们可以偶尔选择去那里打发时间,做个mall rat。 Mall rat refers to youngsters that spend time at the mall just to hang ou...
  • 06-022010
    尘雾家园 House of Sand and Fog
    House of Sand and Fog (Drama) ( 2003) Major Characters Kathy Nicolo........................Jennifer Connelly A young woman who has been living alone since her husband left her eight months earlier, who suddenly discover...
  • 06-022010
    哈洛与茂德 Harold and Maude
    Harold and Maude (Comedy) ( 1971) Major Characters Harold Chasen............Bud Court A depressed 20 year old man who lives with his mother, who is obsessed with death, and whose favorite hobby is going to funera...
  • 06-022010
    偷天情缘 Groundhog Day
    Groundhog Day (Comedy) (1993) Major Characters Phil Connor............Bill Murray A weatherman for a Pittsburgh TV station who is cynical and self centered. Rita...................Andie MacDowell A charming producer for ...