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Egil Olsen——Singer Songwriter中英歌词

线话英语|2011-12-09 15:24:43

【每日一歌】今天推荐的歌曲是挪威音乐诗人Egil Olsen——Singer Songwriter,好美的音带,特别适合沉思的时候听,总觉得挪威歌手身上总有一种说不出的味道,安静的元素?优雅的意境?




  I am a singer / songwriter我是一个歌手兼作曲家


  i sing and write songs我唱歌和写歌


  over and over一而再、再而三地


  all day long整天


  i am a singer / songwriter我是一个歌手兼作曲家


  i sing and write songs我唱歌和写歌


  this life is heavy这永生也是沉重的


  but this guy is strong但这个家伙强


  if i were to write you a song如果我是为你写一首歌


  would you care to sing along 你愿不愿意一起唱?


  ooo ooo ooo


  i am a singer / songwriter我是一个歌手兼作曲家


  i write songs and sing我写歌和唱歌


  over and over 一而再、再而三地


  this is my thing这是我的东西


  i am a singer / songwriter我是一个歌手兼作曲家


  i write songs and sing我写歌和唱歌


  few have heard of me很少有听说过我


  but to some i‘m the king但在一些东西里面我是国王


  if i were to write you a song 如果我是为你写一首歌


  would you care to sing along你愿不愿意一起唱?

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