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少儿英语歌曲在线听之人气正太Cody Simpson小清新单曲

线话英语|2015-05-08 17:26:26

    少儿英语歌曲在线听来自澳洲人气小正太Cody Simpson新单《Summertime of Our Lives》!Cody徒步来到海边,坐着小船,抛下漂流瓶,乘风漂到大海中去,用音乐表白夏日中的甜蜜恋情,唯美而浪漫。

  【Cody Simpson少儿英语歌曲在线听《Summertime of Our Lives》】


Everyday at twilight
When the sun turns red in the sky
i think of you on that shoreline
Brushing your hair from your eyes
We were drawing our names on the wet sand
and running away cause it's like

Wherever you are, no matter how far
I promise that i won't give up on you
They say other side means other lie
They couldn't be further from the truth
Cause i'm in love with you
I'm still in love with you




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