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线话英语|2015-05-08 17:27:08


Artist:Celine Dion

Song:Taking Chances


  这首好听的大学英语听力歌曲来自天后席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)。席琳迪翁1968年3月31日出生于加拿大魁北克省的查里曼大帝镇,有史以来最宏大的歌手之一。上有八个姐姐五个哥哥,席琳排行最小。父母亲均是音乐家,经营着一家小型俱乐部,童年时,小席琳经常跟兄弟们在这里演唱。这些初期经历,为席琳今后的现场表演打下了一定的基础。

12岁时,小席琳用母语法语谱写了一首歌并送到一个唱片公司,在那里赢得了颇受人尊敬的音乐经纪人René Angéli的留心, Angéli很快意识到席琳将会是未来的世界级明星,并决定抵押了他自己的房子筹集资金来为席琳制作第一张专辑。1991年,由于为迪斯尼动画片《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)演唱同名歌曲《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast),已经蜚声海内外的席琳在美国名声大噪,为此她获得了格莱美跟奥斯卡大奖,并从此登上一个又一个事业高峰。发行于1996年的专辑《钟爱你》(Falling Into You)让她站到了盛行乐坛的一个新高度,成为当年最畅销的音乐专辑,在寰球范围内销售了2千5百多万张。



   Don't know much about your life.

Don't know much about your world, but
Don't wanna be alone tonight,
On this planet they call earth.

You don't know about my past, and
I don't have a future figured out.
And maybe this is going too fast.
And maybe it's not meant to last,

But what do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

I just want to start again,
And maybe you could show me how to try,
And maybe you could take me in,
Somewhere underneath your skin?

What do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?

Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

And I had my heart beaten down,
But I always come back for more, yeah.
There’s nothing like love to pull you up,
When you’re laying down on the floor there.
So talk to me, talk to me,
Like lovers do.
Yeah walk with me, walk with me,
Like lovers do,
Like lovers do.

What do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say,
What do you say?

Don’t know much about your life

And I don’t know much about your world.    

喜好Celion Dion的这首新歌吗?欢迎分享你的听歌心情^^


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