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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:39:26



It was a mystery that Sherlock Holmes himself might have struggled to solve – the curious case of the heart-throb actor and the cyber-stalker.万人迷演员跟网络跟踪狂的有趣案件,信赖就算是夏洛克·福尔摩斯自己也会很感兴趣想要破解吧!

Someone, it seems, was snooping on the home of Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays a contemporary version of Arthur Conan Doyle’s sleuth in the hit TV series Sherlock, and documenting his actions in real time on a social networking site.演员本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇在根据柯南道尔小说改编的热门英剧《神探夏洛克》中表演古代版福尔摩斯,而在生活中,好像有人在窥伺他的家,并把他的一举一动都在社交网站上记录了下来。

Cumberbatch, 36, was so unnerved he considered calling the police. But after some detective work of his own, he apparently discovered the culprit was a star-struck neighbour.现年36岁的康伯巴奇表示此事对他造成了困扰,他也考虑过报警。但在经过本人的一番侦查后,他发现这个网络跟踪狂切实是他的街坊。

‘I would say that it was the strangest fan experience that I’ve ever had. I had someone live-tweeting my movements while I was in my own house,’ he said.他表示:“我敢说这是我遭遇过的最奇怪的粉丝经历了,我在自己家里,就有人实时推特我的一举一动。”

‘It was such a strange and a direct thing to see these tweets saying what I was doing as I was doing them. I found it really worrying and, yes, of course, very hard to deal with.“当我正在做某件事的时候,却看到有人发推描述我当时的举动,这样的觉得太奇异了。我也挺担心的,而且这种事件也不好处理。”的网上在线翻译。

‘I worked out after a while who it was who was doing it so, when it came to it, I didn’t actually call in the police, but I was prepared to do so.’“我研究了一段时间,找出了当事人,不过之后我并不报警,诚然我之前是有打算过这么做。”

Last night a source claimed on Twitter: ‘The person in question was asked to stop by a friend of Mr Cumberbatch and she agreed and apologised. Case was closed.’昨晚有内部人士在推特上表现:“康伯巴奇找了一个友人去跟当事人交涉,对方同意不再发照片并表示了道歉,事件就算是结束了。”

Earlier this week BBC1’s official Twitter account posted a picture of Cumberbatch and his co-star Martin Freeman, who plays Dr Watson, fooling around betweenread-throughs of the script.网上在线翻译为:本周早些时候,BBC1官方推特帐号发布了一张本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇跟同剧组演员马丁·弗里曼的合照,两人在剧本通读的缝隙玩得不可开交。马丁·弗里曼在《神探夏洛克》中出演华生。

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