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皮特红毯遭偷袭 透露偷袭细节的英语译汉练习

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:46:38



Brad Pitt, who was punched by a man at the premiere of “Maleficent” last week, says incidents like this make celebrities more wary about interacting with fans.布莱德皮特上周在《沉睡魔咒》的首映上受到一个男子的袭击,皮特表示,此类事件会让明星跟粉丝进行互动的时候更加恐慌。

“I don’t mind an exhibitionist,” Pitt told People Monday. “But if this guy keeps it up he’s going to spoil it for the fans who have waited up all night for an autograph or a selfie, because it will make people more wary to approach a crowd. And he should know, if he tries to look up a woman’s dress again, he’s going to get stomped.”英语译汉为“我并不介意袒露狂,”皮特对记者说。“然而如果这家伙的举动导致活动无奈进行,他的搅局会让那些仅为了一张签名跟合影等了一整夜的粉丝愿望落空,因为这会让大众恐慌。”

Ukranian ex-journalist Vitalii Sediuk got around a police barrier to attack the actor on the receiving line. Sediuk was arrested,and spent two days in jail. Pitt told People what happened at the premiere: “I was at the end of the line signing autographs, when out the corner of my eye I saw someone stage-diving over the barrier at me. I took a step back; this guy had latched onto my lapels. I looked down and the nutter was trying to bury his face in my crotch, so I cracked him twice in the back of the head – not too hard – but enough to get his attention, because he did let go. I think he was then just grabbing for a hand hold because the guys were on him, and he reached up and caught my glasses.”乌克兰前记者塞都克因在红毯上袭击演员而被警察包围。赛杜克被逮捕,并在监狱中被关了两天。皮特吐露了当天发生的细节:“我当时走在队尾正在给粉丝们签名,我的余光扫见有个人从围栏外向我冲了过来,于是我赶紧躲闪,此时这个深井冰就一把抓住了我的西服,而后他就要把他的脑袋往我的裆部钻。出于防备,我下意识的打了他脑袋两下,当然下手并不狠,然而足以让他觉得疼,他就放开我准备跑掉,此时保安们跑来要把他擒住,他在挣扎中趁势举起手乱抓,他就一下子伸手把我墨镜打掉了。”的英语译汉资料。

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