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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:48:32


喜欢英语,没有听过艾薇儿的歌,那么,亲,你怎么可以说是喜欢英语的新新人类呢?有空,快去补习一下自己的英语歌曲哦。今天,我们的 英语阅读带翻译就来阅读往期的娱乐报道。

The 28-year-old Canadian singer insists she has never chased a guy after taking her mother's advice that men should do the chasing.

'My mother always taught me that. There was a rule in our house, no calling guys, I wasn't allowed to call guys, they had to call me. Men like a chase.'

Luckily for Avril her approach won over Nickleback rocker Chad Kroeger, who she got engaged to last August.

The 'Here's To Never Growing Up' hitmaker told ';Access Hollywood Live' on Wednesday : 'I don't run after guys so he did it.'


Avril can't wait to marry Chad, who is ten years older than her. She explained: 'Believe it or not, I actually said before we started dating, "I want to date someone who is 10 years older than me," and he's exactly 10 years older than me and it's nice.'

'He's got it together, he's mature, he's done his thing, he's lived life. He's been around the world on tour, I've been around the world on tour. We can really relate with a lot of things and we just bonded over music and song-writing, we have a lot in common.'

The blonde beauty also revealed her family is smitten with her fiance. She said: 'Everybody loves him. He's very charismatic, he's outgoing, he's not shy at all. It's really awesome because he's supportive. He understands exactly what's I'm doing.'



据《每日邮报》报道,加拿大盛行音乐歌手艾薇尔在星期三接受了《Access Hollywood Live》的采访。采访中,艾薇儿向主持人秀了本人那颗14克拉的求婚钻戒。并动摇称自己从未追过男生,因为她母亲不允许她那么做。

对她跟她未婚夫查德的恋情,艾薇儿说,“不管你们相不信赖,事实上,在同查德相恋之前我就说过,我要跟比我大10岁的人约会。而查德正比方我大10岁。这真是太好了”。在很多人看来,查德确实算得上是一个好男人了。不论艾薇儿走到哪,查德几乎都跟着。两人的恋爱堪称是充满了甜蜜。艾薇儿还说,她的家人都很喜好查德。他很有魅力,性分内向并且一点也不害羞。这真的很棒,由于他总是支持我,懂得我所做的事。除此之外,艾薇儿还吐露,她的下一首单曲名为"Rock N Roll",并确认这支单曲会在新专辑发行前发布的英语阅读带翻译的娱乐内容。

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