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线话英语|2013-04-16 11:45:26



  swimming pool 游泳池-----------------------swimming suit 游泳衣

  swimming trunks 游泳裤 --------------------swimming cap 游泳帽

  rubber float 橡皮浮圈 ------------------------kick 打水

  stroke 划水 ----------------------------------treading water 踩水

  freestyle 自由泳------------------------------ crawl 爬泳

  frog style 蛙泳 -------------------------------breast stroke 俯泳

  back stroke 仰泳 -----------------------------dog paddle 狗爬式

  butterfly stroke 蝶泳------------------------- diving 跳水

  外划Outside row ----------------------------- 蛙泳breaststrok

  自由泳freestyle ------------------------------ 仰泳backstroke

  换气Take a breath ----------------------------划水stroke

  non-swimmer's pool 浅水池 ------------------ swimmer's pool 深水池

  starting block 出发台-------------------------- starting dive 出发起跳

  rope with cork floats 水线-------------------- swimming lane 泳道

  touching the finishing line 终点触线------------ timekeeper 计时员

  lifesaver, lifeguard 救生员 -------------------- land drill 陆上练习

  crawl stroke 爬泳------------------------------ side stroke 侧泳

  dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳------------ treading water 踩水

  underwater swimming 潜泳

  swimming pool with artificial waves 人工海浪泳池

  artificial waves 人工海浪----------------------- swimming trunks 泳裤

  swimsuit, swimming suit 泳衣------------------ swimming cap 泳帽

  bikini 比基尼泳衣-------------------------------- bikini top 比基尼乳罩

  bikini bottom 比基尼式泳裤---------------------- surfing 冲浪游

  池缘 deck edge --------------------------------- 救生带 swimming belt

  水线 lane line ----------------------------------- 救生棒 saving bar

  池边 pool side --------------------------------- 救生员 lifeguard

  池壁 pool wal ---------------------------------- 救生圈 cork hoop

  泳道 swimming lane----------------------------- 膝盖上方 above the knee

  标志线 markings--------------------------------- 分道线 lane rope

  得分 abtain points------------------------------- 意外事故 accident

  diving platform 跳台------------------- ten-meter platform 10米跳台

  five-meter platform 5米跳台

  three-meter springboard 3米跳板 ---------------one-meter springboard 1米跳板

  diving pool 跳水池 ------------------------------ swimming pool 游泳池

  changing room 更衣室------------------------------------------- shower 淋浴

  swimming pool   游泳池 ---------------------------- non-swimmer's pool   浅水池

  swimmer's pool   深水池----------------------------- starting block   出发台

  starting dive   出发起跳 ---------------------------rope with cork floats   水线

  swimming lane   泳道----------------------------- touching the finishing line 终点触线

  timekeeper   计时员------------------------------ lifesaver, lifeguard   救生员

  land drill   陆上练习------------------------------- breaststroke   蛙泳

  swimsuit 女游泳衣--------------------------------- swimming trunks 男式游泳短裤

  swimcap 游泳帽----------------------------------- swimming google 游泳镜

  anti-fog 防雾 --------------------------------------UV Protection Lens 防紫外线镜片

  swim gear 游泳装备 --------------------------------kickboard 踢水板

  floats 漂浮物--------------------------------------- ear/nose clip 耳/鼻夹子

  swim fins 脚蹼------------------------------------- stopwatch 秒表

  pool toy 泳池玩具

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