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线话英语|2015-05-05 14:00:31

1. sticky wicket 窘境,不利地位




例句-1:I'm afraid we've run into a sticky wicket right now. I've used up all my credit and either I find a place to borrow money in a hurry or I won't be able to meet my payroll Saturday or buy enough food for us to stay open next week.

2. in a bind 处于困境


   外教说:Bind在这里是名词,意思是被紧紧困住滚动不得的情形。这个用语来自伐木工人。他们砍下大树用作木材或者造纸。他们利用粗重的锯子来锯高大的树干,然而锯到一半的时候由于大树沉重的份量锯子往往会被牢牢卡住动不了了,他们就把这种进退两难的情况说成是in a bind。外教也说现在这个习惯口语是用在生活的各方面了,意思是处于四面楚歌的局势。

例句-2:I'm in a bind - Dad says a lawyer can make a lot of money so he'll help me with tuition and living costs. But I've always dreamed about being a reporter or a TV newsman. And if I do that, Dad says I'll be on my own and have to work full-time to pay for my college expenses.


3. between a rock and a hard place 左右逢源;左右为难


    Rock是石头,between a rock and a hard place这个习惯用语的出典不详。某些语言学家认为它出自一百来年前的美国西部牛仔,因为他们时常得骑马走过美国西部那些波折不平而又多石的山路,当然深知其中的艰难。外教结合当时背景,讲诉这种牛仔生活已经是陈年往事,而这个习惯口语却盛行在日常生涯的各种非正式场合的谈话中,也时而会在报上读到,between a rock and a hard place尤其常被用在日常业务中,意思是处于摆布为难的局面。

例句-3:This is a tough one. My supervisor and our big boss don't like each other. One will tell me to do one thing and the other comes along two hours later and tells me to do the opposite. I tell you, this sure puts me between a rock and a hard place. Anybody got any idea what to do?





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