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《Run For Your Life》中英文歌词对照

线话英语|2012-03-20 11:24:15

        由线话英语提供  http://www.linewow.com 

  The Fray推出新单MV-Run For Your Life ,与以往不同,歌中没有了以钢琴为主线的抒情路线,连前奏的guitar拨弦都显得不那么柔和,反倒显得更加干净和利落,如果曾经的The Fray让人误以为是英伦,这次便让人感觉到了老美味,是蜕变还是尝试,还是让我们拭目以待。




  Matt Cardle - Run For Your Life

  麦特·卡德尔 - 追逐你的人生

  You need somebody who likes themself


  Who lives for life and never calls for help

  只为自己而活 不求助于他人(不示弱于他人)

  You need somebody to walk you back


  Someone who loves you too before you ask

  一个爱你至深 用情至真的人

  You're worth more, you're worth more than this

  这样的付出值得 你值得享受这样的待遇

  You can take a leap without the risk

  你可以纵身一跃 无所顾忌

  There's no time, there's no time for this

  时间不多 这样的机会不多

  Take your love and start again

  带上你的爱情 重新开始

  So run for your life, run for your life

  去追逐你的人生 追逐你的生活

  If you leave me behind, you'll get there in time

  如果你能将彻底忘记 或许你会及时赶到那里

  You need someone who can stand alone

  你需要一位出类拔萃 卓尔不凡的真命天子

  Who finds the way, instead of being shown

  能为你找到真爱之路 而非徒有虚名

  Somebody with confidence


  Who's strong enough to be hit more than once

  坚毅无比 百折不挠

  You'll find more, you'll find more than this

  你会找到许多 远不止这一个

  Take the world that's at your fingertips


  Don't waste time, don't waste time with this

  时不我待 机不可失

  Take your love and start again

  带上你的爱情 重新开始

  So run for your life, run for your life

  去追逐你的人生 追逐你的生活

  If you leave me behind, you'll get there in time

  如果你将我弃之一旁 或许你会及时赶到那里

  Run, run and don't look back again

  追逐 放手追逐 不要有所顾忌

  Run, run, one day you'll understand

  追逐 放手追逐 有朝一日你会明白

  I'm not, no, I'm not who you think I am

  我不是 不是那个你想象中的我

  (So run for your life)


  Run and don't look back again,runand don't look back again

  不要有所顾忌 不要再回头

  (Run for your life)


  One day you'll understand,one dayyou'll understand

  有朝一日 你会明白,有朝一日你会明白

  (If you leave me behind)


  You'll get there in time


  Run for your life, run for your life

  追逐你的人生 追逐你的生活

  If you leave me behind, you'll get there in time

  如果你能将我彻底忘记 或许你会及时赶到那里


推荐歌曲:     《love the way you lie》中英文歌词

                         《Set Fire to the Rain》中英文歌词

由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com