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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:40:39


Kristen Stewart battled through a painful injury to attend the Academy Awards on Sunday night. 汉英在线翻译句子克里斯汀·斯图尔特忍着伤痛缺席周日晚上的奥斯卡颁奖典礼。

The Twilight star, 22, is understood to have cut her foot on glass two days ago but decided the show must go on. 汉英在线翻译句子为这位22岁的《暮光之城》女星两天前被玻璃割伤了脚,然而她还是决定缺席本次活动。

Before she limped on stage to present the award for Achievement in Production Design with Daniel Radcliffe, Stewart caught up with best supporting actress winner Anne Hathaway. 汉英在线翻译句子为在她一瘸一拐地跟丹尼尔·雷德克里夫一起上台颁发美术设计奖之前,她和最佳女配角安妮·海瑟薇一起聊天。

Hathaway asked Stewart if she was going on stage with her crutches. 海瑟薇问斯图尔特她是否要拄着拐杖上台。

'Nope. I’m gonna hobble,' Stewart said.“不,我要跛着走上去。”斯图尔特答道。

'Well, break a leg,' Hathaway said. 'Oops.'“好吧,祝你好运,”海瑟薇说,“哎呦。”

Stewart was quite clearly in pain as she slowly made her way to the podium with Radcliffe to announce Lincoln's the category winner. 斯图尔特看上去明显很痛的样子,她缓缓走上颁奖台跟雷德克里夫一起宣布《林肯》的获奖。

Kristen arrived at the event solo, amid reports she recently split from her on/off boyfriend of four years Robert Pattinson.克里斯汀是独自一人来颁奖仪式的,最近新闻也在报道她和交往了四年的罗伯特·帕丁森再次分辨的消息等汉英在线翻译句子内容。

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