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英文在线 翻译:《唐顿庄园 》大表哥染发减肥大变身

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:41:42


Oh, how we'll miss those chubby cheeks.英文在线 翻译为噢,好吊唁丹·史蒂文斯以前胖嘟嘟的脸颊!

Dan Stevens showed off his slimmed figure and dark hair colour while attending the TAG Heuer Celebrates 50 Years of Carrera event on Thursday in New York City. He’s lost maybe 10 or 15 pounds. 英文在线 翻译为本周四,丹·史蒂文斯在纽约参加瑞士豪雅手表50年活动时,展示了自己的新形象:他减肥了,头发也被染成了黑色,目测应该有减10到15磅左右的体重。

The 30-year-old Downton Abbey actor seems to have undergone something of a transformation since leaving the hit show.这位现年30岁的演员在告别热门英剧《唐顿庄园》之后,好像经历了某种演化的过程。

Some might say, he's undergone a Hollywood makeover.有人可能会说,他正在阅历好莱坞式的改造。

Croydon-born Dan is now working on the new film A Walk Among the Tombstones with Liam Neeson and will go straight onto The Fifth Estate with Benedict Cumberbatch. 丹·史蒂文斯出生于伦敦附近克里登市。目前他正在和著名演员利亚姆·尼森合拍一部叫《墓地漫步》的新电影,也将与好友本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇在维基解密电影《第五等级》中合作。


Since leaving the ITV period drama, Dan has been concentrating on his theatre career, and is recently starred alongside Jessica Chastain in The Heiress on Broadway.在离开ITV年代剧《唐顿庄园》后,丹·史蒂文斯始终专一于戏剧事业,最近他与女星杰西卡·查斯坦始终主演了百老汇舞台剧《女继续人》。

He told Phoenix magazine that making the move from television back to the stage has been more than a little exciting.他在接受《凤凰杂志》的采访时表示:“从电视回归到戏剧,这样的改变带给他很大的乐趣。”

He said: 'Theatre, when it is at its best, takes a lot of beating - the live experience and the shared collective experience of live storytelling is really special when it is good.他表现:“戏剧最棒的是给你带来更多跳动的韵律,现场展现的经历,现场的故事讲述,和观众之间的共鸣,这种感想非常特别。”

'Particularly here in New York because the audiences are amazing, very vocal and very engaged, and that makes theatre very exciting.'“特殊是在纽约,观众们都无比赞,异样热情跟投入,这让咱们的戏剧更加令人激动。”


Following his stint in The Heiress, Dan will be working on a new movie entitled Summer In February, which tells the story of a colony of bohemian artists in 1915 and also stars Dominic Cooper.在结束了《女持续人》演出后,丹·史蒂文斯将在仲春份出演一部叫《二月之夏》的新片子,讲述1915年一群不拘小节的艺术家的故事。曾和丹·史蒂文斯配合过《理智与情感》的英国演员多明尼克·库珀也将出演该电影。

Speaking about his return to the silver screen, Dan said: 'I have only recently got interested in film, and it is a strange way of working in many ways. But actually, when it is at its best, it’s quite an extraordinary way of working between a director and an actor, to really explore an inner life.英文在线 翻译为在谈到回归大荧幕时,丹·史蒂文斯表示:“我也是最近才对电影感兴趣的,不同的工作形式觉得确实很奇怪。不过我感到对电影最棒的是,导演跟演员之间的配合很特别,真的可能挖掘出一个人的心田世界。”

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