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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:42:35



孙燕姿(Stefanie Sun),新加坡人,华语著名盛行女歌手。2000年推出首张专辑,被视为华语歌坛继王菲、张惠妹之后,难得的天后接班人。她受奖无数,与同期出道的蔡依林、萧亚轩、梁静茹合称为亚洲四小天后,全亚洲累积唱片销量逾2000万张。2011年5月8日,孙燕姿与相恋5年多的男友纳迪姆(Nadim Van Der Ros)在新加坡举办婚礼。2012年5月7日孙燕姿发布微博证实怀孕喜讯。一份来自往期的娱乐报道,带您简单句子翻译练习。

The Wall Street Journal: You have fans across most Chinese-speaking countries in Asia. Do they respond differently to your music?简单句子翻译:的粉丝来自亚洲所有利用中文的国家,他们对你的音乐有什么不同的反应吗?

Ms. Sun: Mainland fans are more direct. Some may even cry if they like you. In Singapore, they just look at you from a distance, but maybe they like you as much. In general, music travels well and can transcend geographical borders.孙简单句子翻译:燕姿:大陆的歌迷更奔放。有时候他们激动得会哭出来。新加坡的歌迷固然同样爱好你,但只会远远地看着你。总的来说,音乐可能超越地理的界限。

How has Mandopop (Mandarin-language pop music) changed since you entered it?自你进入国语歌坛后,你觉得它有什么变革吗?

The Chinese have quickly learned a lot about album making from looking at the Taiwanese. I think the aesthetics have improved a lot, although it’s very subjective.大陆已经迅速地向台湾学到了制作专辑的技巧,我感到从审美的角度进步是很大的,诚然这样说可能有些主观。

The taste for entertainment has widened in China. Many years ago, it was more classic-based. They now have a more voracious appetite for new things. The scale on which China operates is staggering.大陆娱乐界的口味更加多元了。很多年前,它仍是以经典为主。现在踊跃地吸取新事物。大陆娱乐可操作的范围非常大。

What Mandopop artists are you keeping an eye on?你比较关注哪些国语歌手呢?

The next big artist will be from China. Among the popular ones are Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying. They work quite hard, are young and have a strong fan base. I also quite like stuff from Lin You Jia [also known as Yoga Lin] in Taiwan.下一个歌坛的国际巨星将会在中国诞生,比喻风行歌手李宇春、张靓颖。她们工作勤奋,年轻而且有富强的歌迷队伍。我也很喜好台湾林宥嘉的作品。

Why did you sing in Mandarin instead of English?你为什么取舍用国语而不用英语唱歌呢?

Singing in English is even less of an option. For Mandopop, there were [previous Singaporean successes like] Kit Chan and Tanya Chua. As for English pop, I don’t really know anyone [from Asia who’s succeeded]. I knew from a very young age that an Asian face is not going to make a [successful] English album. The support and structure was not there during my time and is still not there.用英语唱歌切实都算不上一个决定。对国语流行歌坛来说,之前比拟胜利的新加坡歌手有陈洁仪、蔡健雅。然而在英语方面做成功的亚洲歌手据我所知基本不。我很小就知道亚洲面孔去做英文专辑是很难成功的。在我出道的时候,来自各方的支持以及运作的框架还不具备,而且现在也没有。

I appreciate Mandarin as a language, but music is music. I took a lot of influences from ’80s and ’90s music like Alanis Morissette. I listen to everything.我以为个别话就是一种语言,而音乐还是音乐。我从八九十年代的音乐,比如艾拉妮丝·莫莉塞特那里汲取了很多营养,我乐于去学习所有的东西的简单句子翻译内容。

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