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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:42:55



One day after calling Two and a Half Men "filth" and urging viewers not to watch, Angus T. Jones issued lengthy apology to the show's creator, producers, cast and crew.句子英汉翻译为:在公开直言《英雄两个半》(Two and a Half Men)过于「龌龊」并督促观众停止收看的一天后,安格斯‧T‧琼斯(Angus T. Jones)发布了一篇漫长的致歉申明给编剧、制作人、演员以及剧组。

In the statement, obtained by Deadline, Jones doesn't retract his comments about the quality of the show, but apologizes if his comments conveyed "indifference" and/or "disrespect" against those involved with the show. "I grew up around them and know that the time they spent with me was in many instances more than with their own families," he said. "I learned life lessons from so many of them and will never forget how much positive impact they have had on my life."句子英汉翻译:根据美国媒体Deadline网站,在他的声明稿中,琼斯并不撤回他对节目品德的评论,但对他的舆论可能传递给其余节目相关人士的「冷淡」亦或是「不敬」,致上万分歉意。「我在他们身边成长,且我晓得就很多层面来说,他们陪同我的时光不亚于花在本人家人的时间。」琼斯说:「我在他们身上学到许多宝贵的人生教训,我相对不会忘记他们对我的性命有如许正面的影响。」


Jones also said he regretted that his comments depicted a "lack of appreciation" for  the "extraordinary opportunity" of Two and a Half Men. He also thanked creator Chuck Lorre, Warner Bros. head Peter Roth and all of Warner Bros. and CBS.琼斯也深深后悔他的言论反映他不知感恩《好汉两个半》这难得的演出机会,他也感激编剧查克‧罗瑞(Chuck Lorre)、CBS电视台、华纳公司领导彼得‧罗夫(Peter Roth)及全体华纳兄弟电视公司。

CBS and Warner Bros. have not issued a statement on Jones' comments, which went public in a YouTube video posted on Monday as part of a taped testimonial for the religious organization Forerunner Chronicles. "If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men," Jones says in the clip. "I'm on Two and a Half Men and I don't want to be on it. Please stop watching it. Please stop filling your head with filth."CBS电视台及华纳兄弟电视公司并未对琼斯稍早的评论发表声明,琼斯的评论于星期一作为慕主先锋基督教会(Forerunner Christian Church)的推荐信在YouTube上公诸于世。「假如你在看《好汉两个半》的话,请不要再看了。」琼斯在短片中提到:「我虽在《好汉两个半》节目上演,但我也不想如此。请不要再收看了,停止让下流充斥在你的脑袋。」


Read Jones' full statement below:琼斯的完整致歉声名:

I have been the subject of much discussion, speculation and commentary over the past 24 hours. While I cannot address everything that has been said or right every misstatement or misunderstanding, there is one thing I want to make clear. Without qualification, I am grateful to and have the highest regard and respect for all of the wonderful people on Two and Half Men with whom I have worked over the past ten years and who have become an extension of my family.在从前的24小时,我已成为众人探讨、琢磨及评论的目标。诚然我无奈逐个解释所有我说过的话或矫正所有错误的声明或歪曲,但我想阐明一件事。无论如何,我很感谢所有在《好汉两个半》的美好人们,并对他们怀有最高的敬意及关怀,我与他们已群策群力地一起工作了十年,他们俨然便是我家人的延伸。

Chuck Lorre, Peter Roth and many others at Warner Bros. and CBS are responsible for what has been one of the most significant experiences in my life to date.  I thank them for the opportunity they have given and continue to give me and the help and guidance I have and expect to continue to receive from them. I also want all of the crew and cast on our show to know how much I personally care for them and appreciate their support, guidance and love over the years.  I grew up around them and know that the time they spent with me was in many instances more than with their own families.  I learned life lessons from so many of them and will never forget how much positive impact they have had on my life.查克‧罗瑞、彼得‧罗夫、CBS电视台及华纳兄弟电视公司的诸位奠定了至今我人生中最别具意思的经验。我感谢他们曾经及持续给予我的机遇,以及对我的帮助及引导,并冀望未来的观照。我也渴望所有本节目演员跟工作人员知道我个人是如许地在乎他们,也感激他们多年来的支持、教导和关爱。我在他们身边成长,且我知道就良多层面来说,他们陪伴我的时光不亚于花在自己家人的时间。我在他们身上学到许多宝贵的人生教训,我绝对不会忘却他们对我的生命有多么正面的影响。

I apologize if my remarks reflect me showing indifference to and disrespect of my colleagues and a lack of appreciation of the extraordinary opportunity of which I have been blessed.  I never intended that.如果我的舆论中吐露了对同仁们的任何不敬跟冷漠,及不知感谢我被赐予的超常机会,我稳重报歉,纯为无心之过。

What do you think of Jones' apology?你觉得琼斯的道歉如何?等句子英汉翻译资料。


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