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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:42:56



Angus T Jones has harshly criticised his own CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men, calling the series ungodly.安格斯·T·琼斯(Angus T Jones)近日严厉批评了自己出演的CBS情景喜剧《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men),称该剧“邪恶”。

The star - who plays fun-loving teen Jake Harper on the show - has appeared in a testimonial for Forerunner Christian Church in which he asks viewers to stop watching Two and a Half Men.英语带翻译琼斯在剧中表演幽默风趣的青少年杰克·哈珀(Jake Harper),他在慕主先锋基督教会(Forerunner Christian Church)的推荐信中要读者停止收看《好汉两个半》。

"If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men," Jones urges those watching the clip. "I'm on Two and a Half Men and I don't want to be on it."“如果你在看《好汉两个半》的话,请不要再看了,”琼斯呐喊那些收看该剧的教徒。“我出演了这部剧,但我不太想演。”

Jones went on to explain he has come to object to the occasionally risqué humour on Two and a Half Men on religious grounds.琼斯还阐明说由于宗教起因,他已经拒绝了偶尔在《好汉两个半》中开黄腔搞笑的做法。

"Please stop watching it and filling your head with filth," he advised his fans.他倡导剧迷说:“请不要再看了,看《好汉两个半》会让你的思维充满下流的内容。”

"People say it's just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you'll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch.“有人会说这是娱乐。但如果你去做些考核,看看电视对人们思想的影响,我敢保障你会慎重筛选你当前收看的电视节目的。”

The actor continued: "If I am doing any harm, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be contributing to the enemy's plan... You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like that.他还说:“假如我对大家造成了侵害,我不会想在这里浮现。我不想为敌人的阴谋出力…在这种电视剧中出演的人无奈做到真正的敬畏上帝。”

"I know I can't. I'm not okay with what I'm learning, what the Bible says and being on that television show."“我知道我不行。我学过《圣经》的内容,又在电视剧中出演,我觉得我做不到。” 

Spokespeople for Two and a Half Men or its producers Warner Bros Television have not yet responded to Jones's comments.《好汉两个半》的发言人,即其制片华纳兄弟电视公司(Warner Bros Television)目前尚未对琼斯的舆论作出回应。

The star's public rebuke of Two and a Half Men comes months after Jones signed a contract extension which sees him earn a reported $300,000 (£185,000) per show.在对《好汉两个半》发表公然斥责多少个月前,琼斯刚与剧组续约,据说他每集的收入为30万美元(约合18.5万英镑)。

Former Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen famously sparked a media sensation in early 2011 by publicly slamming the show's co-creator Chuck Lorre.曾出演过《英雄两个半》的查理·辛(Charlie Sheen)在2011年初曾因公开掌掴编剧查克·罗瑞(Chuck Lorre)而引起媒体轰动。 

The feud between the two grew so intense that Sheen eventually exited the CBS series, to be replaced by Ashton Kutcher.双方的关系非常弛缓,后来辛最终退出了该剧,其角色由阿什顿·库彻(AshtonKutcher)连续出演。

Two and a Half Men airs Mondays at 8.30/7.30c on CBS.《好汉两个半》将于周一8:30/7.30c在CBS播出的英语带翻译资料。 

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