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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:43:37



Her first child hasn't even arrived yet, but it looks like Hilary Duff did enough grocery shopping for a family of two point four children.The former Disney beauty, who found fame as Lizzie McGuire, teamed her casual top with baggy blue tracksuit trousers and a pair of Ugg boots - but added a feminine touch with large hoop earrings.句子翻译在线翻译内容为:诚然希拉里·达芙的第一个孩子还没出生,但看上去她仿佛买了一堆足够喂饱2.4个孩子的货物。曾经因出演《平民天后》而名声大噪的迪斯尼美女,当初穿着随便的上衣加宽松的蓝色运动裤,还有一双UGG靴子——不过那对大圆圈耳环倒是为她增加了女人味。

As she pushed her trolley towards her car in the parking lot, Hilary transported at least six carrier bags, one of which included a family packet of Doritos crisps.句子翻译在线翻译为当希拉里把手推车推到停车场,她至少拿出了6个购物袋放到汽车上。其中一个袋子里有一包“多力多滋”(百事的一款食品)薯片家庭装。
During a recent interview with E!, Hilary said she felt so lucky to have had 'an easy pregnancy'.She said: 'I'm starting to feel the baby move and getting those little kicks.It's really exciting to think about the future - and also a little scary.’ 'We're giddy when we daydream about it and think what our child is going to look like, and the little personality it's going to have.'近期在接受E!的采访时,希拉里说,她觉得很幸运能有“一个舒畅的孕期”。她说,“我开始感到到宝宝在肚子里动,还会微微地踢我。想一想未来,真的会很愉快——当然,也会有点慌。”“当咱们在做着对宝宝的白日梦时,有种幸福的眩晕感。咱们会假想宝宝将来长的像谁,会有怎么的个性”。
Hilary confirmed the baby's sex on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in October, revealing: 'I haven't told anyone yet. I wanted to tell you first. I found out it's a boy! I had a feeling it was a boy the whole time.'希拉里在10月份的“艾伦爱说笑”节目上,自曝宝宝的性别。她吐露到:“我还没跟任何人说过。我想先跟你们说。我知道它是个男孩!我始终都感到它会是个男孩等句子翻译在线翻译内容。

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