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英语翻译汉译英:歌舞青春男主角 长大成人演毒枭手下

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:45:21


向来以青春健康形象示人的优质偶像《歌舞青春》男主角扎克·艾弗隆即将天性难移,以全新涉毒人员形象亮相大银幕。英语翻译汉译英句子为:Zac Efron is about to shake his squeaky clean image with a new big screen venture about the world of drug running.

根据《好莱坞报道》吐露,扎克将同时担当瑞典电影《不义之财》好莱坞翻拍版的领衔主演跟制作人,而就在今年,原片在大洋彼岸大获成功。英语翻译汉译英为According to The Hollywood Reporter, Zac will star and produce in the remake of the Swedish film “Snabba Cash,” which was a big hit across the Atlantic earlier this year.

影片由犯罪与毒品相关的剧情交错而成,扎克在其中将表演的男主角二心求得飞黄腾达,不惜成为毒枭身边跑腿之人。The movie follows a series of interconnected storylines about crime and drugs, where Zac will play a young man hoping to get rich quick by taking the job as a runner for a cocaine dealer.

影片由Jens Lapidus的小说改编而成。The movie is based on the novel by Jens Lapidus.

这位藉由《歌舞青春》而一炮而红的影星上一部作品是叫好不叫座的《我跟奥森·威尔斯》,该片在美国国内仅入账一百万美金。The “High School Musical” star was last seen in “Me and Orson Welles,” which earned Zac praise from critics but failed to connect with audiences at the box office. The movie earned just over $1 million domestically等英语翻译汉译英资料内容。

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