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英语幽默故事:Im a Police Officer

线话英语|2015-05-11 15:56:41


    When my husband, Jack, was a police officer, he once approached a home guarded by two ferocious dogs. They lunged at the screen door with such force that it opened, and they tore out into the yard.

    Thinking quickly, Jack, stepped into the house, closing the door tightly behind him. " It's all right, ma'am," he reassured the homeowner " I'm a police officer."

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    "Not a very brave one," 'she observed.

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    (1) guard v.保护;保卫

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    (2) ferocious adj.凶猛的;残酷的

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    (3) lunge v.冲刺;前冲

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    (4) tear v.急奔;冲

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    (5) reassure v.消除对……的恐惧;使安心 内容来自www. .com



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    ① What was once Jack?

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    A. He was once a soldier.

    B. He was once a government official. CopyRight .com

    C. He was once a police officer.

    D. He was once a gardener.

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    ② The word "ferocious" in "a home guarded by two ferocious dogs'? means______ .

    A. very nice

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    B. very strong

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    C. very big and strong

    D. cruel and violent

    ③ What is a screen door? 内容来自www. .com

    A. A door which is made of glass.

    B. A door which is a frame holding a net used for separating things, which do not pass through the holes.

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    C. A door which is made of iron . 内容来自www. .com

    D. A door which is made of wood.

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    ④ What did Jack do when he found that the dogs tore into the yard?

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    A. He ran away quickly.



    B. He stood still.



    C. He locked the dogs inside the house.

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    D. Instead of running away, he stepped into the house and shut the door tightly.

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    ⑤ From this passage, we can see that ______.

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    A. Jack was very quick 内容来自www. .com

    B. Jack was not so brave

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    C. Jack was very helpful

    D. Jack was a competent policeman


    在我丈夫杰克还是警察的时候,一次他走近有两只恶狗照管的庭院。那两只狗奋力地扑抓纱门,把门弄开了并冲到院子里。 内容来自www. .com


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