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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:42:07



They announced the end of their three-year marriage last week but have made it clear that their son Flynn is their first priority.中英文对照翻译为他们上周宣布停止坚持三年的婚姻,然而他们也清楚表现了弗林是他们的优先考虑的。

The 30-year-old model and 36-year-old actor put on broad smiles and played happy families on Saturday, joining forces to take their two-year-old for a stroll in New York's Central Park.中英文对照翻译为这位30岁的模特跟36岁的演员脸上挂着残酷的笑容,假装欢乐的一家人,周六带着儿子在纽约核心公园散步。
Orlando even capped off the outing by giving Miranda a smooch on the cheek, just hours after the pair were seen arriving at her apartment together late on Friday evening.这对儿周五晚上一起回到米兰达公寓时,奥兰多还以在米兰达脸颊上的一吻作为今天外出活动的结束。

Little Flynn looked perfectly happy holding one of each of his parents' hands, grinning from ear to ear and bundled up in a puffy winter jacket. 穿着冬装夹克的小弗林一手拉着父亲一手拉着母亲笑嘻嘻的,看上去很开心。
The announcement was only made on Friday, and on Saturday Orlando succinctly expressed his confidence that he and Miranda will always remain close.他们周五宣布了离婚的消息,而后周六,奥兰多简单的表示了对他跟米兰达将连续保持亲密关系的信心。
'We're not friends. We're family,' said the Lord Of The Rings star as he spoke to TMZ .“咱们不是友人,咱们是家人。”这位《指环王》男星告诉TMZ等中英文对照翻译内容。

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