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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:42:05



Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom linked up for a family outing with their son, Flynn, in NYC on Saturday.英汉互译翻: 米兰达·可儿跟奥兰多·布鲁姆这一对儿前伴侣周六在纽约跟儿子弗林度过了愉快的家庭时光。

The trio had lunch on the Upper East Side before heading to Broadway for a matinee performance of Romeo and Juliet, which Orlando stars in with Condola Rashad.英汉互译翻译为: 这一家三口去百老汇看了奥兰多和拉沙德主演的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的日场表演后在上东区吃午餐。
Flynn was all smiles as he held on to one of the toy pirate swords that he's become fond of lately. Miranda snapped a photo of her swashbuckling son in their balcony seats before the play and shared it on Instagram, saying, "Flynn having such a great time watching Daddy on stage."弗林握着海盗剑玩具全程挂着高兴的笑容。米兰达在包厢里给她神气活现的儿子拍了照片并分享到Instagram,写着“弗林很开心的看着爸爸在舞台上表演”。

Though Miranda and Orlando announced their separation in October, the former couple has clearly been keeping their relationship on a friendly footing.只管米兰达和奥兰多在10月宣布离婚,然而这对前夫妻依然保持着亲密的关系。
They've both been busy working in the Big Apple — Orlando on Broadway and Miranda on various photo shoots — but are making sure to spend time together for the sake of their little boy. 他们都忙于在纽约的工作--奥兰多在百老汇演出,米兰达忙于拍摄各种各样的杂志封面--然而,他们仍然会为了宝贝儿子抽出时间团聚等英汉互译翻内容。

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